Get To Know Apex

About Us!

Apex Medical and Rescue was formed in 2023, combining our shared passion of the great outdoors and providing exceptional medical care.  We aim to deliver expert event medical cover and the highest quality medical training. 

Apex Medical and Rescue was born from two friends within the Mountain Rescue community, who believe in supporting people to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest. They found that there were no medical providers that gave them the confidence to push hard at outdoor events in remote settings. With their Mountain Rescue background, they believed they could do much better and Apex Medical & Rescue was born. Combining this rescue experience, formal medical provision experience and their passion for the outdoors, Apex delivers a service that can and will access you in a remote area, giving you the highest level of medical care you would expect and evacuation back to an accessible location. For Apex Medical and Rescue, remote access is no barrier to exceptional patient care, we want you to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest, knowing we have your back, no matter how remote you are!

Apex employ a range of medical staff including Registered Doctors, Paramedics, Nurses, FREC responders and First Aiders, all of whom are fully trained, vetted and competent.  As such, you can expect highly skilled, highly capable, professional medics to be working at your event.

All of our training instructors hold not only the required medical qualification, but teaching qualifications too.  This means that if you are attending one of our first aid courses, you know you are getting a professional service that will not let you down.

Apex Medical and Rescue is based near Taunton, Somerset in the South West of the UK.  This is where our in-house medical courses are run. However, Apex Medical and Rescue is a UK wide company and we cover events all over the UK. So if your event is in Scotland, Cornwall or somewhere in between,  we are the company for you!

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  • Jim J - Director

    Jim has a wealth of skill and experience in pre-hospital, event and wilderness medical cover. He is a current NHS Specialist Paramedic and former Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) Leader, as well as being an active responder for his local Mountain Rescue team where he practices as a Paramedic but also a Swift Water Rescue Technician - Advanced.  Jim has a great deal of experience working as an event Paramedic for many different organisations at a variety of events, including festivals and horse riding events. When not practicing medicine, Jim is normally found in the mountains, climbing, skiing, hiking or just exploring the more remote parts of the UK and Europe.

  • John W - Director

    John is a practicing and experienced Mountain Rescue Casualty Carer, Swift Water Rescue Technician and FREC 4, delivering medical care in difficult to reach places in all weathers and times of day.  John has an avid outdoors background, taking part in mounting biking marathons and ultra bike packing events on a regular basis. John has a large amount of experience in remote medicine and treating people in the great outdoors and hard to reach places.

  • James B - Technical Rescue Manager

    James is our Technical Rescue Manager here at Apex. A Mountain Rescue Team member for 8 years and a Member of the Institute of Search and Technical Rescue. Specialising in water rescue, he is a qualified MREW agency Swift Water Rescue Technician Instructor, Advanced SRT, Water and Flood Team Leader and an experienced Water and Flood Incident Manager. When not wearing the red jacket, James can be found surfing, hiking or generally messing about in or around water.

  • Jim W - Training Manager

    Jim is the Training Manager for Apex, overseeing the smooth running of our training department.  He is a qualified trainer with a long career in the police service as both an officer and as an advanced first aid trainer.  Jim brings all of this experience to the classroom making for out of this world training sessions! Jim is also a practicing and experienced Mountain Rescue Casualty Carer and FREC 4, delivering medical care in all weathers and difficult scenarios.  He has experience working at events all over the South West from mountain biking, sponsored walks and open water swimming.